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2018Jessie J中国巡回演唱会武汉站
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2018Jessie J中国巡回演唱会武汉站

日    期:   2018-08-30-2018-08-30

场    馆:   光谷国际网球中心中央球场

2018年乐坛大事记之一,莫过于火遍华语乐坛半壁江山的音乐竞技节目《歌手2018》的桂冠被一位来自英国的年轻歌手摘得,她就是全英乃至世界范围都炙手可热的实力唱将Jessie J,中国歌迷亲切地称呼其为结石姐。....




  (2018年6月27日,中国)AEG亚洲携手CMC Live今日宣布英国流行女歌手、2018年《歌手》总冠军Jessie J 将于今年8月底全面开启中国巡演。本次巡演将登陆武汉、郑州、北京、成都、长沙、无锡、深圳、天津和上海等地。除上述城市外,还有一站宣布在即。

  武汉站将是本次2018中国巡演的首站,Jessie J将于8月30日震撼登陆武汉光谷国际网球中心,武汉站票价为人民币380/580/780/980/1280元。

  2018年乐坛大事记之一,莫过于火遍华语乐坛半壁江山的音乐竞技节目《歌手2018》的桂冠被一位来自英国的年轻歌手摘得,她就是全英乃至世界范围都炙手可热的实力唱将Jessie J,中国歌迷亲切地称呼其为结石姐。5月,Jessie J刚刚发布她乐坛生涯的第4张专辑:由4张EP 16首曲目联合组成的作品《R.O.S.E.》。对于中国粉丝而言这只是福利的开始,一记重磅炸弹般的消息随之投来:Jessie J将重返中国开启包括北京、上海在内的多城巡演,歌迷又能一睹结石姐教科书般的震撼现场。

  从英国伦敦奥运会闭幕式舞台到《歌手2018》歌王,Jessie J是谁?

  早在《歌手2018》开播之前,Jessie J已经是享誉全球的实力唱将。她有着完美的音色、优秀的唱功、不可复制的高音,同时她还能在不同的音乐风格间肆意游走。Jessie J不仅是英国好声音最年轻的导师,她还作为嘉宾登上过2012年英国伦敦奥运会闭幕式的舞台,可见英国流行乐坛一姐并非虚名。值得一提的是, Jessie J携手 Ariana Grande、Nicki Minaj一起合作的大热单《Bang Bang》不仅在2014年全美音乐奖上惊艳全场,更获得了第五十七届格莱美年度最佳二人组/团体表演奖提名,结石姐的现场实力可见一斑。

2018Jessie J中国巡回演唱会武汉站

  在歌曲演唱方面先声夺人的Jessie J也有着不俗的词曲创作功力,出道前曾经为Miley Cyrus,Justin Timberlake,Chris Brown,Alicia Keys和Christina Aguilera等知名歌手制作歌曲。她与美国说唱歌手B.o.B合作的《Price Tag》作为她个人第二支单曲,一经发布即横扫各国榜单,也成为Jessie J音乐标签式的存在。

  《歌手2018》这个节目再度让中国歌迷感受到了Jessie J完美的唱功和游刃的个人实力,作为首个在中国音乐类节目拔得头筹的外籍歌手,这位在节目中不断表白中国“很棒”,希望用音乐架起中英两国文化桥梁的英伦魅力之声,不久后将借2018年中国巡演再次把自己感染力十足的现场呈现给中国观众。

  数年磨一剑《R.O.S.E.》发布后又定中国巡演  Jessie J大放福利惊喜不断

  上个月,拥有44项音乐大奖肯定,多白金销量加持的流行歌后Jessie J携个人第四张音乐专辑《R.O.S.E.》再度回归。这套由4张EP、共16首曲目联合组成的专辑主打R&B和节奏布鲁斯,每张EP以“R.O.S.E.”四个字母来分别代表四种不同寓意:R (Realisations/认知),O (Obsessions/沉迷),S (Sex/性别),E (Empowerment/自主),并定于从5月22日起至5月24日期间分别发布。新作品由Jessie J与金牌制作人DJ Camper及曾为Jennifer Lopez, Rihanna, Beyoncé等天后操刀专辑的Kuk Harrell 共同参与创作与制作,从品质到概念足见用心。Jessie对这张专辑感慨颇多:“很难想象我4年没有发新歌,从新专辑你能感受到过去几年我成长了很多,《R.O.S.E.》的每首歌都是我的音乐日记,感谢每个一直等待她完成的人,她来了。”《R.O.S.E.》引用了她母亲的名字,Jessie J在采访时分享她很感恩母亲带给她生命,这是母亲带给她最好的礼物,也是她一生的骄傲。玫瑰从含苞到绽放的过程如同Jessie J的成长过程,历经了痛苦,沉淀与蜕变,而最终完美绽放。

2018Jessie J中国巡回演唱会武汉站

  来自《R.O.S.E.》的惊喜还未褪去,Jessie J便宣布了今年8月底中国巡演的消息。北京、上海两场的确定可以说是众望所归,除北京、上海以外,她此次还会将巡演带到更多的城市,这令歌迷充满了惊喜与期待。这一次,让大家和Jessie J一起,在音乐的光影中,感受魅力英伦之声。



  [June 27, 2018, Shanghai] – AEG Presents and CMC Live are excited to announce that the multi-award winning British pop star Jessie J will return to China with THE R.O.S.E TOUR this coming August and September after her sensational, unprecedented victory on Hunan TV’s smash hit show Singer earlier this year. The unveiled cities include Wuhan, Zhengzhou, Beijing, Chengdu, Changsha, Wuxi, Shenzhen, Tianjin and Shanghai. One more city will be announced soon.

  Jessie J will perform in Wuhan at Optical Valley International Tennis Center on August 30. Tickets for her Wuhan show priced at RMB380/580/780/980/1280

  It’s been eight years since Jessie J burst onto the scene with smash hits ‘Do It Like a Dude’ and ‘Price Tag’, the latter topping the charts in 19 countries worldwide. She’s since gone on to perform at some of the biggest venues and festivals across the globe, collecting an enormous array of awards and collaborating with the likes of Ariana Grande and Nicki Minaj in the process.

2018Jessie J中国巡回演唱会武汉站

  Earlier this year, Jessie won the hearts of Chinese fans across the country and sparked an explosion of headlines around the globe as she became the first European artist to triumph on Singer, one of China’s biggest music contests. Having never finished outside the top three over the course of the TV show, Jessie scooped the title after wowing audiences with her pitch-perfect delivery and down-to-earth personality – both of which she’ll now be bringing to the live stage in China.

  The announcement of Jessie J’s concert in Mainland China comes hot on the heels of the release of her fourth studio album, entitled R.O.S.E., which came with an epic four-part rollout: R.O.S.E. (Realisations) came out May 22, R.O.S.E (Obsessions) on May 23, R.O.S.E. (Sex) May 24, and R.O.S.E. (Empowerment) on May 25.    

  “Its crazy that it’s been 4 years since I released new music,” Jessie says about the album release. “I have done so much growing in the last few years. You can hear it in the music, the songs on R.O.S.E. are simply me singing my diary in a melody. I am so grateful and happy that anyone who has been waiting for this record in full will finally have it.”  

  Jessie has also recently announced her first-ever US tour.


  • 中文名:Jessie J 别名:Jessica Ellen Cornish、结石姐、结实姐 国籍:英国 毕业院校:The BRIT School 出生地:英国伦....

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